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一头擦了口红的猪 - 王国华 (二手6成新 RM2 不包邮)









别教猪坐马桶 - 王国华 (二手6成新 RM2 不包邮) - 售出,谢谢支持




日常生活中,我們是不是也經常在無意間,做出教豬坐馬桶這種用熱臉去貼人家冷屁股的事情,而且事後總是感到非常懊惱,甚至羞怒呢?但是當我們羞怒懊惱之 餘,是否曾經靜下心來自我省思,到底是什麼原因讓我們落得如此難堪呢?會不會就正如作家尼恩所說的:難道是為了羞於承認的渴望與需求,才會盲目的對別人全 新付出嗎?我們總是恥於接受,所以只好拼命付出,我們的付出,並不是一種美德,而是一種掩飾自我的煙幕。





书本评荐: Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work and Think - Viktor Mayer-Schonberger & Kenneth Cukier

大数据这个名词在前两年开始风行, 大家都对大数据时代充满期待,认为大数据的出现可以帮助人类解决很多决策上的困难甚至可以预知未来的趋势!


大数据可以做什么呢?通过特定地点人们在google引擎的热门搜索,电脑可以预测到某个地方可能有传染病。透过GPS定位系统,电脑知道人们活动的范围会规律(商家可以针对地点做销售的部署) 。经由音乐网站的数据,电脑可以分析出什么样的歌词比较吸引消费者的目光。观看电视的时间和频道,大数据也可分析出看体育节目的也同时会喜欢惊悚电影。在购物网站,我们常可以看到可能适合你的产品,这也是大数据的功劳。可以说,到了21世纪,大数据的效应充斥在每个人的生活中。


大数据的出现也会让product life cycle更缩短。在数据还没有如此强大之前,传统的开创者例如FORD和IBM,可以拥有几十年甚至几百年的优势,可是我们现在看Apple和Nokia,他们的辉煌优势也不过十多二十年。未来的产品将会面对更严峻的挑战,开创的优势也不能维持太久,唯一的路就是不断得进步。

在日常生活中,我们都在不知不觉中成为大数据的一分子。很多销售通路都会要消费者申请会员卡: Tesco club card, Watson's card, Popular card等等,难道他们只是单纯想吸引消费者而给予折扣和积分吗?更为重要的是他们从会员卡中收集到的数据将会帮助商家更为了解消费者,从中可以调整销售策略和做更个人化的市场策略。

再看看我们智慧型手机的App(应用程式),很多App都是免费下载的,可是这个世界上真的有免费的午餐吗?简单一些的就希望我们会在下载App后购买东西,例如Candy Crush的法宝和直接通关的便利。一些就依靠App里面的广告收入,可是这些收入是很少的,因为消费者看到广告大部分都不会看,就算不小心按到也会快速关闭。 到底App靠什么换钱呢?数据就是那个值钱的东西。只要流量够大,有足够的数据可以分析,这些App Developer就可以利用收集的数据做分析,卖给相关的企业和做内部提升,新的产品也会越拉越贴近消费者的需要。这是好事还是坏事?好事就是我们的需要会被满足,坏事就是口袋里的钱会不知不觉地被掏空。


Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work and Think - Viktor Mayer-Schonberger & Kenneth Cukier (二手8成新 RM10 不包邮) - 售出,谢谢支持


 There's a logical fallacy that mathematicians are fond of quoting when humans exercise their considerable built-in pattern-recognition abilities to draw conclusions that could just be coincidence: correlation does not imply causality. But, as Kenneth Cukier and Viktor Mayer-Schönberger argue in Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think, what Big Data brings with it is a profound shift in our attempts to understand How the World Works. In their view, correlation may now be good enough all by itself.

For centuries we have focused on causation as a way of deriving general principles from specific cases. For example, once we understood that plants grew in response to ready supplies of sunlight, water and nutrients in the soil, we were able to apply this knowledge to promote more rapid and reliable growth.

What's happening now is that by churning through huge masses of data we can find patterns that would not be trustworthy in smaller samples, and derive value from them whether or not we understand the underlying causality.

If studying millions of patient records shows that this weird complex of symptoms indicates a particular rare illness and this particular drug ameliorates it, does it matter why? The result will be to kill off disciplines like sampling and habits of mind like the desire for exactitude and causality. Being approximately right is good enough; we don't need to risk being exactly wrong.

Cukier is the data editor of The Economist; Mayer-Schönberger, an Oxford professor, is best known for his 2009 book Delete, in which he proposed the "right to be forgotten". This book seems to reflect their disparate interests. The first half talks about the state of Big Data, the kinds of new insights it's bringing and the changes it's making in various industries, while the second studies its risks. It's tempting to attribute them to Cukier and Mayer-Schönberger respectively, but it's always dangerous to guess the mechanics of collaboration — the sample size is too small.

The state-of-the-art story is relatively familiar. Quantity can compensate for some lack of quality. Medical diagnostics. Spotting flu outbreaks using Google's search data. Moneyball (about which, I pause to complain that a book citing a non-fiction work should cite the original book rather than the movie).

The risks story is more interesting once it gets past the obligatory references to Minority Report and Google's 41 shades of blue as examples of the potential "dictatorship of Big Data".

Big Data profoundly changes the problem of privacy — another reason why the US's data-driven companies are lobbying so hard to use the review of data protection law to weaken it. One of the fundamental data protection principles is that consent should be obtained for a change of use. But secondary uses are where much of the value of Big Data is derived. No one, for example, consented to the use of their search engine queries to track flu outbreaks, yet using the data in this way is clearly a public benefit. At least, it is until or unless some enterprising government decides that putting all the people in those areas under quarantine is a good idea.

Cukier and Mayer-Schönberger end up suggesting that we need a shift to accountability for the use of data from the present situation of restricting how it may be used. This is an idea we hear a lot these days, and it suffers from the problem that sometimes the damage of disclosure may be bad enough that no amount of accountability can fix it. Plus, as Simon Davies, the founder of Privacy International, is so fond of saying, "Companies are pathologically unable to regulate themselves".
Overall, this is probably the best-rounded book on Big Data to date. Most just cheerlead, while a few are all doom and gloom. This one aims at balance and a provides thorough grounding.



人生路这么走 - 郑石岩 (二手7成新 RM2 不包邮) - 售出,谢谢支持

